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Tangazo is a meeting place where we share ideas and explore efforts to improve our human conditions and quite simply make our lives better. All are welcome, none will be judged, but all are challenged to look beyond ourselves and our notions of how others think about issues of cultural​,​ political and social significance. We are building bridges of communication between the many groups that make up the St​. L​ouis Metropolitan Region by sharing and reflecting on the stories and lives of a diverse group of guests.

Host and Producer: Hank Thompson
Guest Hosts: Tim Person, Rev. Darryl Gray & Mike Jones
Technical Producers: Kevin Melter, Frankie Meixner, Ryan Voelkel, Jeron Wilson, Matt Patston, Jon Valley

Oct 16, 2024

Tim Person and I put our traveling shoes on, in the first hour of the 174th  episode, of Tangazo ----- 

Beginning with East StLouis Director of Elections Kandrise Mosby, for an update on our sister city’s preparations, for the upcoming General Elections. -----

Next we spoke with Tallahassee Floridas, former Mayor Dorothy Inman-Johnson and former Omega Grand Basileus Dr. Antonio Knox, from Raleigh North Carolina.  -----

Both guest talked about the hurricanes and flooding, that has wreaked havoc on their respective state’s, having caused over 250 deaths, so far.  ----

We also discussed political matters, focusing on the upcoming presidential elections and the race for governor, in North Carolina. ------

Adolphus Pruitt, President of the StLouis City branch, of the NAACP, joined Jerryl Christmas and I, in the second hour for a discussion on the failure of public schools,in St.Louis City and County, to improve reading levels for black students. Pruitt acknowledges, that he has taken a more proactive approach, to issues impacting minority communities. He  says his office receives, more than one hundred fifty discrimination related complaints, on a monthly basis. -----

The 174th episode of Tangazo is dedicated to the memory of Otis Walker and Attorney Richard G. Hughs, Gone but forever remembered! Our sincere condolences to their families and friends! ------