Oct 16, 2024
Tim Person and I put our traveling shoes on, in the first hour of the 174th episode, of Tangazo -----
Beginning with East StLouis Director of Elections Kandrise Mosby, for an update on our sister city’s preparations, for the upcoming General Elections. -----
Next we spoke with Tallahassee Floridas, former Mayor Dorothy Inman-Johnson and former Omega Grand Basileus Dr. Antonio Knox, from Raleigh North Carolina. -----
Both guest talked about the hurricanes and flooding, that has wreaked havoc on their respective state’s, having caused over 250 deaths, so far. ----
We also discussed political matters, focusing on the upcoming presidential elections and the race for governor, in North Carolina. ------
Adolphus Pruitt, President of the StLouis City branch, of the NAACP, joined Jerryl Christmas and I, in the second hour for a discussion on the failure of public schools,in St.Louis City and County, to improve reading levels for black students. Pruitt acknowledges, that he has taken a more proactive approach, to issues impacting minority communities. He says his office receives, more than one hundred fifty discrimination related complaints, on a monthly basis. -----
The 174th episode of Tangazo is dedicated to the memory of Otis Walker and Attorney Richard G. Hughs, Gone but forever remembered! Our sincere condolences to their families and friends! ------