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Tangazo is a meeting place where we share ideas and explore efforts to improve our human conditions and quite simply make our lives better. All are welcome, none will be judged, but all are challenged to look beyond ourselves and our notions of how others think about issues of cultural​,​ political and social significance. We are building bridges of communication between the many groups that make up the St​. L​ouis Metropolitan Region by sharing and reflecting on the stories and lives of a diverse group of guests.

Host and Producer: Hank Thompson
Guest Hosts: Tim Person, Rev. Darryl Gray & Mike Jones
Technical Producers: Kevin Melter, Frankie Meixner, Ryan Voelkel, Jeron Wilson, Matt Patston, Jon Valley

Apr 29, 2024

It was indeed Tangazo Thursday today, on 88.1 was everything that we expected it to be for its 159th episode, presenting African American perspectives on political and cultural issues.------

We began with an expansive in-depth discussion with former State Senator Rita Heard Days, Vice Chairman of the StLouis County Council and her efforts to fund a world class Track facility in north county, adjacent to the University of Missouri at St.Louis campus. -----
Our conversation included a discussion on the collaboration ,of 18 north county municipalities to form a special sales tax district, ;-to fund road and street repairs. ---- 

There’s talk of more collaboration in the future, amongst the 35 plus cities that make up north county. 

In the second hour, Dr. Benjamin Quillian of Long Beach Calif. joined Michael Wesley Jones of the StLouis American Newspaper and activist Attorney, Jerryl Christmas aka “Nat Turner” to talk about their experiences while visiting the Republic of Ghana, in west Africa. ---- 

We are joined by Dr. Alexander Oladele, founder of the Jet Black Travel Agency, that specializes in travel arrangements for groups of African Americans,desiring to visit their ancestral homeland,Africa. ----

If you have any interest are thoughts about visiting the motherland, this is a program, you will find very useful and informative. ----

Find Tangazo and other great podcasts at and as always, I will see you on the radio on Tangazo Thursdays, 12-2pm on 88.1. -----