Mar 11, 2023
Last night I was treated to a cup of Carla Coffee Wright and an Alisha Sonnier, two dynamic candidates, for seats on the StLouis Board of Aldermen. ———
Wright, is a well known social justice activist and advocate for
numerous causes, including the restoration of North StLouis and
wants more funding and more attention paid to supporting small
businesses in the new 11th ward.
Carla, say’s hundreds of home owner’s in the ward, are in desperate
need of grants,in the range of three to four thousand dollars for
home repairs.
Coffee is a strong supporter of the embattled StLouis Circuit
Attorney, Kim Gardner and one the organizers for the “Women’s March
and Rally,” for Kim Gardner scheduled for Sunday, March 12th at the
downtown StLouis Old Courthouse, at 11am. ——-
StLouis public school board member, Alisha Sonnier, is running
for the aldermanic seat in the newly drawn 7th Ward, in south
central StLouis.
She is another young activist inspired by the 2014 murder of Mike
Brown, in Ferguson Missouri. ———
She has numerous endorsements from elected officials and labor unions, along with pro choice organizations. ———
Sonnier, is very impressive with a thorough grasp of the concerns and issues, of the 7th ward. ———-
She’s committed to having solidarity, with other African American alder persons, on issues of importance, to the black community. ———
Alisha Sonnier, like Coffee Wright, is opposed to any efforts by the state, to remove StLouis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from office. ———
Two dynamic, well qualified candidates for you to consider, when casting your ballots for seats on the StLouis Board of Aldermen, in the 11th and 7th wards, in the April 4th General Election. ———